Econ Job Market Rumors (EJMR) is an anonymous online forum that’s best described as “4chan for economists.” There’s tons of “hate speech” and it’s “full of sexism, racism, classism, and homophobia.” But it’s popular and it’s been around for a long time.

EJMR is a wretched hive of scum and villainy.
A problem for economics
EJMR is a stain upon our profession. CSWEP, an organization representing women in economics, called out “the sexist, racist, homophobic and anti-Semitic statements” and “the harassment and abuse targeted at particular scholars” that are all over EJMR. Olivier Blanchard, the president of the American Economic Association, called it a “cesspool” and “a breeding ground for abusive personal attacks.” Alice Wu, an economist who wrote a research paper on EJMR, described the shockingly “explicit sexual content of posts and the racism and sexism on the website.” Florian Ederer, the author of a conference presentation on EJMR, showed that many racist and sexist EJMR posters are university professors. In the New York Times, the economist Justin Wolfers wrote that EJMR is “evidence of a toxic environment for women” and David Romer, another leading economist, called it “a cesspool of misogyny.”
EJMR metastasised to other fields
The EJMR cancer metastasised to other academic fields. Realising the financial success of EJMR —tons of visitors translate into tons of money from the Google ads that are all over the site—the owner of EJMR “Kirk” started Political Science Rumors (PSR) and Sociology Job Market Rumors (SJMR) which are just as noxious and malicious as EJMR. They’re all linked together by the same Google AdSense ID pub-9298753963465867.
Petitions are not enough
Thousands of economists have signed several petitions against EJMR accompanied by coverage in big mainstream media outlets such as the Wall Street Journal. They are the largest petitions ever received by the American Economic Association. They are, however, not enough. In this investigative series, I will shine a light onto this foetid cesspool. Please check back for updates.
Assorted Links
- Evidence of a Toxic Environment for Women in Economics, New York Times
- To Avoid Sexism on Job-Posting Site, Economists Petition to Start Their Own, Wall Street Journal
- ‘4chan for economists’ is melting down as racist, sexist anonymous posts are linked to Harvard, Yale, and other top institutions (archived), Business Insider
- Toxic Posts on Economist Job Website Traced to Users from Elite Universities, Bloomberg
- The Economics Job Market Rumors Site Needs to Clean Up Its Act, Olivier Blanchard at Peterson Institute
- Statement by the Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession on Professional Climate and EJMR, CSWEP
- Economics website is filled with racist and sexist speech, some blame the nation’s top universities, AP News
- Berkeley economist leads petition drive to fight pervasive misogyny, Berkeley News
- More than 1,000 Economists Urge American Economic Association to Address Misogyny in the Field, Institute for Women’s Policy Research
- Gendered Language on the Economics Job Market Rumors Forum, Alice Wu
- Gender Bias among Professionals: An Identity-Based Approach, Alice Wu
- Video Presentation Anonymity and Identity Online: An Empirical Study, Florian Ederer
- Anonymity & Identity Online, Florian Ederer, Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham
- Petition to the AEA regarding the EJMR website, International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE)
- Request to the AEA to Assist in Action Against Libel and Threats on EJMR, Anya Samek
- Traffic Stats, Semrush
- Website Analysis, Worth of Web